Alla and Alexei Rumyantsev

Since 2007 we have been engaged in contemporary art. We work in the genres of video art, installation, photo art, experimental video, social animation.

"The Wall"

Working on construction sites in foreign countries, migrant workers do not go home for years, building foreign cities. Phone calls and letters remain the only link between migrants and their homeland. And everything they learn from their relatives by phone and letters, all their worries, thoughts, fears and anxieties they, without stopping their monotonous labor, put between the bricks, “roll” into the walls in the form of pieces of national material laid instead of cement.


This is a modern Tajik woman trying to pay tribute to tradition, but the inevitable influence of other cultures is evident in the fact that her burqa is woven from glamorous magazines.
"Taj Kung Fu"

Another attempt to look at the problems of labour migrants through the prism of satire.

Installation "The Tyre of Time"

Old courtyards contain the history of the people who have been there or the history of the inhabitants of the house. The ‘Tyre of Time’ object helps people to look into the past of old courtyards and streets and feel their spirit.


Receiving an inconceivable amount of contradictory information, a person tries to piece together a picture

of events to make sure they are true. A picture of events in order to be convinced of their veracity.

"A cloudless sky over all Palmyra"

Islamic State militants are methodically destroying ancient monuments in Palmyra.
They are most fierce about images of people. This puts them on a par with
with the Nazis. Just as in 1936, the phrase, ‘All Spain has a cloudless sky,’
was a command to bomb Spain by the fascists, so the phrase ‘There is a cloudless sky over all Palmyra’.
‘A cloudless sky’ sounds like a warning of danger - and all the characters in the Persian miniatures
walk away down the Red Corridor to avoid being annihilated.

The project "20 Years That Didn't Shake the World : 1998 - 2018"

Throughout the twentieth century, science fiction writers and then film directors have created an image of the coming twenty-first century. They depicted a world full of fantastic events and achievements, a world filled with androids, and even a world in contact with alien civilisations. And now it's almost 20 years since the world has existed in the new millennium. During this time, there have been quite a lot of bright events, but a truly fantastic future has not happened.


She is a phantom....... She gradually turns into a disembodied being, whose presence is only felt by the fruits of her ceaseless, daily labour, which becomes an integral part of her existence. She floats in the consciousness of others only as a vague shadow. Her essence is refracted, she suppresses her instincts, her true desires for the benefit of others. Over time, playing the same role, she learns it by heart and it becomes her ‘true’ nature. What she wants is replaced by what they want.

"Red East"

The arrival of socialism in Central Asia should be considered one of the most progressive episodes in women's struggle for equal rights. In terms of emancipatory fervour, this period in many ways surpasses the women's feminist movements in Western countries in the 1960s and 1970s. In addition to strong slogans and the public rejection of the burqa, Soviet rule created social, economic and legal conditions for women's liberation, among them free education, modern workplaces, protection of rights and social guarantees. The interactive installation invites viewers to visually immerse themselves in this era and form their own attitude towards it.


Reflection on the ‘efficiency of communication’ between the artist and the viewer, when the freedom of choice of the observer's position is in fact limited by the artist's hidden manipulation. Manipulation in this case consists in the attempt to create certain associations and moods in the viewer, which change depending on sound and colour. However, it is possible that the viewer's sophistication will nullify the artist's efforts. How productive is this kind of communication and is it possible to ‘talk as equals’?

The installation is a projection with an image. Next to it there are headphones with sound and three pairs of glasses with coloured glasses (RGB). Some symbols or actions on the projection can be seen only if you wear glasses of a certain colour.

Performance "Sweet Dreams"
"National Patrol"

The fact that there has been an outbreak of unheard of nationalism in our planetary age testifies to the polarity of human nature. There is no doubt that the inherent tendency of nationalism is like a revolt against reason.

Performance "A-fucking-b"

The video satirises the real situation of the political opposition in Central Asian countries. The opposition's internal disputes on the one hand and their complete powerlessness and precariousness on the other.
Performance "Humpty Dumpty"

The participants of the performance are invited to read the poem Humpty Dumpty in one of the languages
of those countries that experienced dictatorship in the history of the 20th century, and to this day the consequences of dictatorship in these countries can still be fully felt by the people.
A sarcastic model of how political propaganda works to humanise the acts of atrocities and terror of dictatorship. When a sense of arbitrariness and permissiveness changes people beyond recognition and a clear illustration of how quickly people get used to shocking things. The implication is also a chilling insight into the ‘Standford Prison Experiment’, which is a psychological study of human reaction to a social behavioural pattern imposed on them.
Decanalisation, full stop!
(satirical video on the currently popular topic of decolonisation)

Decanalisation - the left will say rollback, regression.
The right will say - false, pathetic - a simulation of the revival of the truly national.
What will the centrists say? We're not interested in what these two-faced anuses have to say. No! Time has no time to stand! Everything! Everything! All of it! Decanalisation, and then our New Light Sewer. Decanalisation as the highest point! And point! Yes, there have been many points in our history, let's not dwell on what point we've ended up at. The point is to be confidently pushed from it and step forward!


Action "Hard day`s night"

(‘Water scarcity problems in Central Asia’ project)

In 2009, Tajikistan experienced a crisis of access to drinking water. Even in the centre of the capital city, water was not supplied to flats and houses for a long time (for a day or more). During the action, electronic water (video of mountain rivers in Tajikistan) was projected onto the walls of houses, thus the artist tried to provide residents with access to water in some way

"Rubik's cube"
While there is an external dynamic of change in society, this dynamic is in fact false,
because the colour and general pattern of the social structure does not change.

Each leader claims that his people have a special path of development, in fact, it is based on one design principle – only the forms and content change.

"Evacuation Plan to Paradise"

When I entered the territory of the Madrasah, I saw an evacuation plan from the Madrasah located right next to the entrance. I thought it was funny at first, but then I thought, "where can you run away from a holy place?" This is how the idea of the "Evacuation Plan to Paradise" installation was born. The installation is a maze of 9 radial corridors, passing through which you can get to heaven. The number 9 was not chosen by chance - in this the viewer can see a reference to the concept of paradise in Dante's Divine Comedy. But not everything is so simple, passing through the next corridor, the viewer comes across a sign with the inscription : "Please wait!" written in different languages. After all, even when we are evacuated to paradise, we will have to wait... as we waited in line at consulates for a visa, as we waited at the border checkpoint, as we waited at migration centers, we will wait, wait, wait.....

"I met a girl"

The project is based on the famous Tajik film I Met a Girl, made in 1957. It tells about a simple girl with a beautiful voice who dreams of performing on the stage of a culture house. But her father does not allow her, and sends her to the village. The film shows how the state and society tried to fight the vestiges of feudal patriarchy and welcomed the aspirations of young people to self-realisation. Today we see the opposite picture - the state does not care, and society, due to Islamisation, is beginning to welcome patriarchal principles. Is it possible now for a simple girl with creative or other abilities to realise herself? In a society that is regressing. In which religious sentiments are becoming more and more prevalent. And freedom of choice is increasingly discouraged.

"Space Cola. Side effect"

The film is based on the works of American science fiction writers of the mid-twentieth century.

The author's love for the genre of comic books and science fiction resulted in the creation of this film.

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